Identifying Gifted And Talented Children Education Essay The term gifted and talented is surrounded with a great deal of controversy, and is currently under review by the Coalition Government. A vast amount of research has been undertaken over the last ten years, into the long-term, emotional effects of labelling a child, and the practitioners role in identifying a child and differentiating the curriculum. Directgov (2010), currently defines gifted as one who excels in academic subjects such as maths and English, and talented as those who possess skills in practical areas such as sport and music. Pound (2008), discusses how Gardners theory revolves around eight intelligences. Gardner believes that each individual possesses his or her own unique combination of intelligences, which he calls multiple intelligences, which can be enhanced and enriched in an environment which provides stimulating and challenging activities. Teaching, through Gardners theory enables the practitioner to bring out a gifted and talented childs advanced natural talents, in a challenging way.
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- Identifying Gifted And Talented Children Education Essay 2020.05.09
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- Research Methods Theories and Concepts 2020.04.15
- Nursing Implication for Teenage Pregnancy Essay 2020.04.09
- Essay -- 2020.04.09
- Above-The-Line and Below-The-Line Advertising. Are they still Relevant Essay 2020.04.08
Identifying Gifted And Talented Children Education Essay
Plc Programmable Logic Controller Free Essays
AUTOMATIC CONTROL OF HYDRAULIC SYSTEM USING PLC * Company Products Services * Abstract * Hydraulic System * Bow Compression Machine * Circuit Diagram * Description * Chiller Unit * Solenoid valve * Introduction To PLC * Software * Advantages Of PLC * Introduction To PLC * Existing System * Proposed System * Ladder Logic Diagram * Ladder Logic Description * Energy Saving Calculation * For Existing Method * For Proposed Method * Advantages Applications * Conclusion * References ABSTRACT : One of the challenging factor in factories, for the proper functioning of the machine for the long duration with efficiency is to keep certain parameters within a specific range. Thus, in this paper, we have designed a ladder diagram for running PLC with the objective to automatically control the hydraulic system. Our main requirement is to design a PLC which can be connected to hydraulic system to implement the parameters and operations like Temperature detection, Pressure detection, Lubrication, Automatic machine operation and Oil level detection.
The Role of Men in the Society Essay Example for Free
The Role of Men in the Society Essay Introduction     Men were particularly known as the supreme gender in the human society. As the population belonging to the supreme gender, men are expected to have special responsibilities as well as advantages with regards the activities that they are able to do. Men were expected to have responsibilities of providing for those that belong to them. This includes their families and other people that are living around them. On the other hand, they benefit form the authority that is given to them. The power to control others, especially women has naturally given them pride when it comes to the thought of being able to rule over several sectors of the human society.     Through the pages of the human history, men of different races and different ages have primarily been able to change the ways by which humans perceive their purpose in living. Indeed, men have naturally drawn the different demarcation lines of limitations and possibilities that identify each human individual’s capability of living.
Life in a Hostel
The life in a hostel is different from that of the home. At home, sometimes it becomes different to frame suitable timetable of studies. There may be relatives or guests visiting frequently and making the atmosphere of home quite unfit for serious studies. In such situation hostel-life seems to be boon for a student. Far from his/her home, he/she finds all facilities that are essential for sound studies in a hostel. Hence, hostel life is welcomed by most of the students. Hostel life is regular and helpful to study.Hostel is a place where students are given proper environment for all round development resulting in good careers. Here they find safety against many social evils. Living in a hostel students have to follow its general rules and regulations which are meant to make their life regular and punctual, the basic needs of success. They are taught to be self dependent; also they are given guidelines so that they may prove themselves worthy citizens of the nation.
Research Methods Theories and Concepts
Research Methods Theories and Concepts Understanding of the research methodology 4.1 Introduction This chapter presents the reader clearly understanding of the research methodology and relevant research approaches determining the way through this research was conducted. In accordance with the main objective of research, Kothari (2005) states that research should help the reader to discover the truth that is hidden through the application of scientific procedures. Methodology produces the outcomes of any studies and it is important to choose appropriate way to conduct the research methods in effective way in order to meet researchers aims and objectives of the research. Research methodology followed in this dissertation presents topics on different forms of research which are used in order to find an appropriate approach and method in this study.
Nursing Implication for Teenage Pregnancy Essay
Nursing Implication for Teenage Pregnancy - Essay Example The paper "Nursing Implication for Teenage Pregnancy" talks about the problem of teenage pregnancy in the US which is having the highest incidence of teen pregnancy though the rate is declining everywhere. Probably ongoing sex education and improved accessibility to condoms have helped to get it down. Young parents and kids usually have a severe impact on their lives sacrificing education, career, and most importantly health. This essay gives detail information regarding statistical facts of teen pregnancy state wise information along with the implication of nursing. A teen can also have a healthy pregnancy if she is able to detect pregnancy on time and receive pre and post natal care promptly. The importance of prenatal and postnatal care education is understood in the essay as in teen pregnancy cases chances of getting preterm labor with low birth weight babies are higher. Young mothers are provided with genuine support by healthcare system along with parenting classes and counseling.
Essay --
The first reason that teacher content knowledge is important is that it changes the way teachers involve students in the activities. Like for instance, in math, students that have teachers that show different ways of working out a problem will usually learn more from them than teachers that just go by the basic rules.â€More knowledgeable teachers tend to focus on approaching the students question mathematically rather than looking up the answers and giving it to the students.†Similarly, like science teachers with more content knowledge tend to suggest different explanation and give additional information that can be used. The second reason why teacher content knowledge is important is that it influences the way teachers approach and use instructional materials. “More knowledgeable teachers were more skillful at identifying reasonable math or science story lines in materials, while less knowledgeable teachers have a hard time doing so.†“In mathematics, content knowledge also had an effect of teachers instructional decisions when using materials.
Above-The-Line and Below-The-Line Advertising. Are they still Relevant - Essay Example 4).Traditionally, promotional activities are divided into above-the-line (ATL) and below-the-line (BTL). Mass media advertising through television, newspapers, radio, cinema, and outdoor advertising are above-the-line or ATL. All new communication tools are regarded as below-the-line or BTL measures (Muller, Florian, and Daniel, 2011, p. 4). Advertising is the most critical communication tool in the marketing mix (Meffert, Burmann, and Kirchgeorg, 2008).The terms ATL and BTL advertising came from agencies' balance sheets where different types of media are listed. Agency received a commission for ATL activities from media, while a separate fee is taken for BTL activities (Brierley, 2005, p.42). Despite its history, the division is fading as marketers' prefer a 3600 approach for their marketing activities today. This paper explores the terms above-the-line and below-the-line and their relevance, and identifies that the division is irrelevant when it comes to today's marketing practices.