Step by step instructions to Write a Great Longread and Attract New Readers You have a couple of them in your Smart thoughts organizer haven't you? Also, you can see they're developing in prominence. They appear to be a characteristic fit for your business, however you're simply not exactly clear on the most proficient method to utilize them The advanced longread has entered the commercial center and it sure appears to be an incredible method to advance your book or novel or blog, yet where to begin? To sift through everything, how about we view a portion of the advantages of the longread, why and how to compose a decent one and how to utilize it in your promoting methodology. Potential Benefits of the Longread To begin, how about we view a portion of the benefits of this rising advanced type to perceive what the potential upside will be. 1. Higher web crawler results. All things considered, we as a whole need that, isn't that right?