There has been much debate on social media such as, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and others. However, is it technically Positive or Negative? There are many reports on Facebook being a vital object for teens today and there have been plenty of complaints about it as well. My stand on the matter is that Facebook is a vital part of many teens lives, and without it they wouldn’t have the interesting conversation they have nor, the best friends either, they wouldn’t even have the knowledge they consumed on Facebook as well.
see more:negatives of social media
There are copious amounts of research on the matter, from articles, to essays, to even online reports that give ample reason as to so. It is said by older people, who aren’t as involved in social media as younger people today that kids only pay attention to what’s in front of them, that they don’t care about anything what so ever. “Kids today, we’re telling you!-don’t read, don’t write, don’t care about anything father in front of them than their iPods†(Goldwasser 237) is it true?
Facebook: positive or negative? Essay
2020. 3. 21. 12:49